Mood Oracle
Mood Oracle
💦A disgustingly relatable indie oracle deck with plastic cards that you can spill your b0ng water on. 😬
If you thought you didn’t want your mom to find your oracle cards before... 🤩
The Mood Oracle is a relatable 69 card deck for your irreverent esoteric edutainment. Plastic cards that you can spill your b0ng water on.
🗣Here's what the metaphysical community has to say about the Mood Oracle:
“This is the deck I wish I had when I was tripping balls”
“Bigfoot’s dick is offensive. It’s so...erect.”
“I’d file a complaint about this deck but it’d probably just show up in Satan’s asshole.”
“This deck exploits Koalas.”
“I meditated a little too hard and did a little cleanse out my Poot chakra.”
🎴Use deck to:
Bathtub readingz
Test spaghetti Flip at #love&light hoez
Build a fort to cry in
Scoop melted queso
Weed out clients without a sense of humor
Doubles as a passport...TO WEIRDO TOWN!